core.algorithm package


core.algorithm.A2C module

class core.algorithm.A2C.A2CAgent(state_size, action_size, actor, critic, load_model=True, training_mode=True, discount_factor=0.99, actor_lr=0.001, critic_lr=0.005, file_path_actor='', file_path_critic='', **kwargs)

Bases: core.common.agent.Agent


Create optimizer for actor network model

# return
Keras function (object)
backward(reward, terminal)

Updates critic and actor network See the details in

compile(optimizer, metrics=[])

Compiles an agent and the underlaying models to be used for training and testing.

# Arguments
optimizer (keras.optimizers.Optimizer instance): The optimizer to be used during training. metrics (list of functions lambda y_true, y_pred: metric): The metrics to run during training.

Create optimizer for critic network model

# return
Keras function (object)

Takes the an observation from the environment and returns the action to be taken next. See the details in


Loads the weights of an agent from an HDF5 file.

# Arguments
filepath (str or list): The path to the HDF5 files. In case of algorithms using multiple models, it could be list of path of models. filename (str or list): The name to the HDF5 files. In case of algorithms using multiple models, it could be list of name of models.
save_weights(filepath, overwrite=False)

Saves the weights of an agent as an HDF5 file.

# Arguments
filepath (str): The path to where the weights should be saved. overwrite (boolean): If False and filepath already exists, raises an error.

core.algorithm.DDPG module

referenced by

class core.algorithm.DDPG.DDPGAgent(actor, critic, action_shape, memory, critic_action_input, policy=None, test_policy=None, discount_factor=0.99, learning_rate=0.001, batch_size=32, train_interval=1, delta_clip=inf, nb_warmup_critic_step_cnt=500, nb_warmup_actor_step_cnt=500, random_process=None, tau_for_actor=0.001, tau_for_critic=0.001, **kwargs)

Bases: core.common.agent.Agent

backward(reward, terminal)

Updates the agent after having executed the action returned by forward. If the policy is implemented by a neural network, this corresponds to a weight update using back-prop.

# Argument
reward (float): The observed reward after executing the action returned by forward. terminal (boolean): True if the new state of the environment is terminal.
# Returns
List of metrics values
compile(optimizer, metrics=[])

Compiles an agent and the underlaying models to be used for training and testing.

# Arguments
optimizer (keras.optimizers.Optimizer instance): The optimizer to be used during training. metrics (list of functions lambda y_true, y_pred: metric): The metrics to run during training.

# Select an action. state = self.memory.get_recent_state(observation) action = self.select_action(state) # TODO: move this into policy

# Book-keeping. self.recent_observation = observation self.recent_action = action

return action


Returns all layers of the underlying model(s).

If the concrete implementation uses multiple internal models, this method returns them in a concatenated list.

# Returns
A list of the model’s layers
load_weights(filepath, filename)

Loads the weights of an agent from an HDF5 file.

# Arguments
filepath (str or list): The path to the HDF5 files. In case of algorithms using multiple models, it could be list of path of models. filename (str or list): The name to the HDF5 files. In case of algorithms using multiple models, it could be list of name of models.

Resets all internally kept states after an episode is completed.

save_weights(filepath, filename, yyyymmdd=None, overwrite=False)

Saves the weights of an agent as an HDF5 file.

# Arguments
filepath (str): The path to where the weights should be saved. overwrite (boolean): If False and filepath already exists, raises an error.
core.algorithm.DDPG.ddpg_distance_metric(actions1, actions2)

Compute “distance” between actions taken by two policies at the same states Expects numpy arrays

core.algorithm.DDPG.hard_update(target, source)

core.algorithm.DQN module

class core.algorithm.DQN.DQNAgent(model, nb_actions, memory, discount_factor=0.99, batch_size=32, train_interval=1000, target_model_update=10000, delta_clip=inf, warmup_step_cnt=1000, enable_dueling=False, memory_interval=1, enable_double=False, dueling_type='avg', policy=None, test_policy=None, enable_encouraged_action=False, enable_discouraged_action=False, action_affected_observation_space=None, enable_pop_art=False, **kwargs)

Bases: core.common.agent.Agent

append_replay_memory(reward, terminal)
  • reward
  • terminal

backward(reward, terminal)
  • reward
  • terminal

compile(optimizer, metrics=[])

Compiles an agent and the underlaying models to be used for training and testing.

# Arguments
optimizer (keras.optimizers.Optimizer instance): The optimizer to be used during training. metrics (list of functions lambda y_true, y_pred: metric): The metrics to run during training.

choose action :param observation: observation which is used for agent to choose action :return: action


you can specify any logic which run whenever episode ends.

save_weights(filepath, overwrite=False, force=False)
  • filepath
  • overwrite


core.algorithm.Deep_sarsa module

class core.algorithm.Deep_sarsa.DeepSARSAgent(action_size, model, load_model=True, discount_factor=0.99, learning_rate=0.001, epsilon=1, epsilon_decay=0.999, epsilon_min=0.01, file_path='', training_mode=True, **kwargs)

Bases: core.common.agent.Agent

backward(reward, terminal)

Updates the agent’s network

compile(optimizer, metrics=[])

Compile the model


Get action to be taken from observation See the description in


Load trained weight from an HDF5 file.

save_weights(filepath, overwrite=False)

Save trained weight from an HDF5 file.

core.algorithm.MADDPG module

# Based on Deep DPG as described by Lillicrap et al. (2015) # #

class core.algorithm.MADDPG.MA_DDPGAgent(nb_agents, nb_actions, actor, critic, critic_action_input, memory, gamma=0.99, batch_size=32, nb_steps_warmup_critic=1000, nb_steps_warmup_actor=1000, train_interval=1, memory_interval=1, delta_range=None, delta_clip=inf, random_process=None, custom_model_objects={}, target_model_update=0.001, **kwargs)

Bases: rl.core.Agent

Write me

backward(reward, terminal=False)

Updates the agent after having executed the action returned by forward. If the policy is implemented by a neural network, this corresponds to a weight update using back-prop.

# Argument
reward (float): The observed reward after executing the action returned by forward. terminal (boolean): True if the new state of the environment is terminal.
# Returns
List of metrics values
compile(optimizer, metrics=[])

Compiles an agent and the underlaying models to be used for training and testing.

# Arguments
optimizer (keras.optimizers.Optimizer instance): The optimizer to be used during training. metrics (list of functions lambda y_true, y_pred: metric): The metrics to run during training.

Takes the an observation from the environment and returns the action to be taken next. If the policy is implemented by a neural network, this corresponds to a forward (inference) pass.

# Argument
observation (object): The current observation from the environment.
# Returns
The next action to be executed in the environment.

Returns all layers of the underlying model(s).

If the concrete implementation uses multiple internal models, this method returns them in a concatenated list.

# Returns
A list of the model’s layers

Loads the weights of an agent from an HDF5 file.

# Arguments
filepath (str): The path to the HDF5 file.

The human-readable names of the agent’s metrics. Must return as many names as there are metrics (see also compile).

# Returns
A list of metric’s names (string)

Resets all internally kept states after an episode is completed.

save_weights(filepath, overwrite=False)

Saves the weights of an agent as an HDF5 file.

# Arguments
filepath (str): The path to where the weights should be saved. overwrite (boolean): If False and filepath already exists, raises an error.
core.algorithm.MADDPG.mean_q(y_true, y_pred)

core.algorithm.MADQN module

Based on implementation of the DQN agent as described in Mnih (2013) and Mnih (2015).

class core.algorithm.MADQN.AbstractMA_DQNAgent(nb_agents, nb_actions, memory, gamma=0.99, batch_size=32, nb_steps_warmup=1000, train_interval=1, memory_interval=1, target_model_update=10000, delta_range=None, delta_clip=inf, custom_model_objects={}, **kwargs)

Bases: core.common.agent.Agent

Write me

class core.algorithm.MADQN.MA_DQNAgent(model, policy=None, test_policy=None, enable_double_dqn=True, enable_dueling_network=False, dueling_type='avg', enable_encouraged_action=False, enable_discouraged_action=False, action_affected_observation_space=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: core.algorithm.MADQN.AbstractMA_DQNAgent

backward(reward, terminal)

Updates the agent after having executed the action returned by forward. If the policy is implemented by a neural network, this corresponds to a weight update using back-prop.

# Argument
reward (float): The observed reward after executing the action returned by forward. terminal (boolean): True if the new state of the environment is terminal.
# Returns
List of metrics values
compile(optimizer, metrics=[])

Compiles an agent and the underlaying models to be used for training and testing.

# Arguments
optimizer (keras.optimizers.Optimizer instance): The optimizer to be used during training. metrics (list of functions lambda y_true, y_pred: metric): The metrics to run during training.

Takes the an observation from the environment and returns the action to be taken next. If the policy is implemented by a neural network, this corresponds to a forward (inference) pass.

# Argument
observation (object): The current observation from the environment.
# Returns
The next action to be executed in the environment.

Returns all layers of the underlying model(s).

If the concrete implementation uses multiple internal models, this method returns them in a concatenated list.

# Returns
A list of the model’s layers

Loads the weights of an agent from an HDF5 file.

# Arguments
filepath (str or list): The path to the HDF5 files. In case of algorithms using multiple models, it could be list of path of models. filename (str or list): The name to the HDF5 files. In case of algorithms using multiple models, it could be list of name of models.

you can specify any logic which run whenever episode ends.

save_weights(filepath, overwrite=False)

Saves the weights of an agent as an HDF5 file.

# Arguments
filepath (str): The path to where the weights should be saved. overwrite (boolean): If False and filepath already exists, raises an error.
core.algorithm.MADQN.mean_q(y_true, y_pred)

core.algorithm.PPO module

class core.algorithm.PPO.PPOAgent(state_size, action_size, continuous, actor, critic, gamma=0.99, loss_clipping=0.2, epochs=10, noise=1.0, entropy_loss=0.001, buffer_size=256, batch_size=64, load_model=True, training_mode=True, file_path_actor='', file_path_critic='', **kwargs)

Bases: core.common.agent.Agent

backward(reward, terminal)

Updates the agent after having executed the action returned by forward. If the policy is implemented by a neural network, this corresponds to a weight update using back-prop.

# Argument
reward (float): The observed reward after executing the action returned by forward. terminal (boolean): True if the new state of the environment is terminal.
# Returns
List of metrics values
compile(optimizer, metrics=[])
# Argument
optimizer (object) : [0] = actor optimizer, [1] = critic optimizer metrics (Tensor) : [0] = Keras Tensor as an advantage , [1] = Keras Tensor as an old_prediction
# Return

Takes the an observation from the environment and returns the action to be taken next. If the policy is implemented by a neural network, this corresponds to a forward (inference) pass.

# Argument
observation (object): The current observation from the environment.
# Returns
The next action to be executed in the environment.
load_weights(filepath, filename)

Loads the weights of an agent from an HDF5 file.

# Arguments
filepath (str or list): The path to the HDF5 files. In case of algorithms using multiple models, it could be list of path of models. filename (str or list): The name to the HDF5 files. In case of algorithms using multiple models, it could be list of name of models.
proximal_policy_optimization_loss(advantage, old_prediction)
proximal_policy_optimization_loss_continuous(advantage, old_prediction)
save_weights(filepath, filename=None, overwrite=False)

Saves the weights of an agent as an HDF5 file.

# Arguments
filepath (str): The path to where the weights should be saved. overwrite (boolean): If False and filepath already exists, raises an error.

core.algorithm.QLearning module

class core.algorithm.QLearning.QLearningAgent(actions, learning_rate=0.01, discount_factor=0.9, epsilon=0.9)

Bases: object

static arg_max(state_action)
learn(state, action, reward, done, next_state)

core.algorithm.REINFORCE module

class core.algorithm.REINFORCE.ReinforceAgent(state_size, action_size, model, load_model=True, discount_factor=0.99, learning_rate=0.001, training_mode=True, file_path='', **kwargs)

Bases: core.common.agent.Agent

backward(reward, terminal)

Updates the agent See the description in

compile(optimizer, metrics=[])

Compiles an agent Define new optimizer instead of input optimizer See the description in


calculate discounted rewards

# Argument
rewards (float): list of rewards
# Returns
List of discounted rewards

Get action to be taken from observation See the description in


Loads the weights of an agent from an HDF5 file.

# Arguments
filepath (str or list): The path to the HDF5 files. In case of algorithms using multiple models, it could be list of path of models. filename (str or list): The name to the HDF5 files. In case of algorithms using multiple models, it could be list of name of models.
save_weights(file_path, overwrite=False)

Saves the weights of an agent as an HDF5 file.

# Arguments
filepath (str): The path to where the weights should be saved. overwrite (boolean): If False and filepath already exists, raises an error.

Module contents